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Veteran ID Cards in Wisconsin... - How to get them and which should you have?

John Reuter

How to Obtain a Veteran ID Card: A Step-by-Step Guide

Veteran ID cards are essential for accessing a range of benefits, from health care at VA medical centers to discounts at various retail stores and restaurants. Here’s a guide on how to obtain different types of Veteran ID cards, including where to apply and what eligibility criteria you need to meet.

1. Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)

VA Health Identification Card

Who is eligible: Veterans enrolled in VA health care.

Purpose: The VHIC is primarily used to check into appointments at VA medical centers and can also be used to receive discounts at various businesses that offer them to veterans.

How to obtain: When you enroll in VA health care, you are automatically issued a VHIC. There is no need to apply separately if you are already receiving VA health care benefits.

2. Veteran ID Card (VIC)

Veteran ID Card

Who is eligible: Veterans who have served on active duty and received an honorable or general discharge, or who were in the Reserves or National Guard and activated under federal orders.

Purpose: The VIC serves as a proof of service and can be used to obtain veteran discounts at numerous participating businesses without the need to carry military discharge papers.

How to apply: Visit the VA Website to apply for a Veteran ID Card. Follow the instructions to submit your application online.

3. DoD 100% VA Disabled/Dependent ID Card

Old Veteran ID Card
DOD ID Card (Old Version)

New DoD ID Card - Horizontal vs Vertical CACs for Active Service Members
New DoD ID Card - Horizontal vs Vertical CACs for Active Service Members

Who is eligible: Veterans rated 100% disabled by the VA and their dependents.

Purpose: This card allows access to military bases and can also be used for discounts at various establishments.

How to obtain: Veterans who are eligible for this card typically receive it as part of their benefits package when they are rated 100% disabled.

4. State Veteran Identifier

Wisconsin Veteran ID Card

Who is eligible: Veterans who meet specific service and discharge criteria.

Purpose: This identifier on a state-issued driver's license or ID allows veterans to avail themselves of discounts and acknowledges their service.

How to apply: First, verify your eligibility with the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs or your local County Veterans Service Officer. You can apply for the identifier when renewing or obtaining a new driver's license or state ID at your local DMV.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Character of Service: Must be honorable or general under honorable conditions as noted on your DD214/DD215.

  • Length of Service: Must include at least two continuous years of active duty or 90 days during a designated wartime period.

For detailed instructions and to start the application process to get a Veteran ID Card in Wisconsin visit the Wisconsin DMV Website or contact your local County Veterans Service Officer.

By securing the appropriate Veteran ID card, you can ensure access to the benefits and recognitions you’ve earned through your service.

Follow our blog for more veteran benefits and information!

John Reuter

The Veteran Realtor

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